
charo marín actualidad

Cristina Ferro, Miss piernas bonitas de Baleares exhibiendo algunos de éstos abanicos en el stand de Aire distinto en la feria de Bisutex.

Summer time

When talking to Charo Marín, we are surprised to discover that for her the space of a fan is just a different format for a painting that is then treated in the same way. In fact, she has used this format since she was a child.

Her fans have become extremely famous in Paris. Luxurious hotels, L’Opéra de la Bastille or Le Palais Garnier, among many other institutions in Europe have acquired these extraordinary works of art, not mentioning those commissioned for private use for special dinners, conventions, anniversaries and celebrations all over the world. This success has led Charo Marín to re-edit three of the most accessible and succesful formats in recent years in three different models: fans with a big 'scene', fans with classic wooden rods and half-size mini fans to carry on with us everywhere. All of the fans have been painted in neutral, elegant and easily combined colours.